Hymn Descants

Hymn Descants by composer Tyler W. Robertson will add some energy and excitement to your last verses. 

They are written to be sung with the harmonizations from the Hymnal 1982 (Episcopal hymnal), though often times hymn harmonizations are quite similar from one hymnal to the next. 

In Dr. Robertson's descants you will find writing which is not meant to be overwhelming if the sopranos are handed the music on a Sunday morning! The score is printed with a descant line and melody line, to assist with learning. Many descants also have one or more of the final notes split into two parts, both for harmonic interest, and to keep from overloading the top note.

Each descant is available for $10 in a PDF digital copy. The digital copy comes with authorization for up to 15 prints, more than enough for most soprano sections. Descants are not available in a printed format. 

Hymn tunes available:

Abbot's Leigh

Duke Street

Hanover (for Hancock harmonization)

Hyfrydol (for Hancock harmonization)

Magdalen College

Salve festa dies

Sine Nomine

Stille Nacht (with organ harmonization)

St. Theodulph (For final refrain only. Includes organ harmonization)

S-278 Glory to God in the Highest (final 5 measures only)